Garmalia Mentor-William is both a medical doctor and a disaster risk management specialist. Having experienced first-hand the chaotic health care demands after Haiti’s 2010 earthquake, she has devoted her considerable skills to improve Haiti’s disaster resilience in all levels of society. Her experience combines 15 years in public health and disaster risk reduction efforts in multiple contexts and countries such as Dominican Republic, Cuba, Chile, India, Nepal, and the United States.

Mentor-William coordinates programs in Haiti, which address the significant earthquake and tsunami hazard, flooding, hurricanes, storm surge, and sea-level rise. Mentor-William serves as a member of the group of experts for the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for Tsunami and other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean, a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization agency.

Adept to public education, Garmalia is conducting awareness program at schools and churches located in vulnerable and marginalized areas.