Dr. Janise Rodgers

Janise Rodgers, PhD, PE, specializes in developing solutions to communities' threats from natural hazards. As Chief Operating Officer, she leads GeoHazards International’s programs and technical teams. Her expertise includes assessing vulnerability, risk, and resilience challenges; seismic resilience of buildings and infrastructure; capacity building, technology transfer, and resilience research; and leading transdisciplinary processes to develop solutions. Her experience in Asia, the Caribbean, and the U.S. and her contributions to advancing risk mitigation approaches are relevant in many global contexts. Projects have included multi-hazard vulnerability assessment, disaster scenarios, seismic retrofit, technical mentoring, guidance development and training, policy and regulatory development, mitigation and preparedness planning, post-earthquake safety assessment, community and family preparedness, and risk communication. She has conducted post-earthquake reconnaissance in Mexico, Haiti, Alaska and California. Dr. Rodgers’ work in CDRI member countries includes experience in Bhutan, India, Nepal, and the United States.